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PM Chemistry S.R.L.
Chemicals - Precious Metals . For industry.

PM Chemistry S.R.L. is dedicated to the provision of services and the development of chemical and industrial products containing precious metals, for the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, electrical and automotive industries.

Based on the experience gained in over 30 years in the business mentioned above and from the manufacturing plant located in the area of Don Torcuato , Buenos Aires Province , the company provides a wide range of services and products manufactured under the highest strict quality standards to meet growing customer demand.

PM Chemistry S.R.L. looks for a continuous and sustainable development, based on responsible and creative employees , reliable suppliers , partners and respecting their neighbors and the general public.

This commitment to continuous progress is reflected in the goals and objectives of the company.

PM Chemistry S.R.L. define clear and structured objectives, seeking to achieve technological progress, customer assistance, development and growth of its employees, as well as the continued improvement of their internal processes. In this way, the financial success of their business will be guaranteed.





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